The topic # 9. Wilhelm Roux (1850-1924). 1881 Wilhelm
Roux (1850-1924) transfers Charles Darwin's theory of the struggle for
existence to the fight of cells and parts of the organism in the process
of ontogenesis. Such idea is possible only provided that cells are
considered independent living creatures. He wrote that stronger cells
were to leave the greater number of off-springs than weaker cells. Then
he developed an idea that those cells will have a more significant
prevalence, which under effect of stimulation are the least worn-out and
at the same time are stimulated for food accumulation and regeneration.
As an evidence for the fight of cells, he referred to pathological
processes, in which cells of one tissue are growing into another.
Nowadays we know that there is absolutely no chaos in processes of cell
reproduction and that any competition between cells for the space
between them is out of the question. Thanks to Dr.
William Kimler the reference to Roux W. (1888) is now corrected:
Roux, W. 1888. Beitrge zur Entwicklungsmechanik des Embryo.
ber die
knstliche Hervorbringung halber Embryonen durch Zerstrung einer der
beiden ersten Furchungskugelin, sowie ber die Nachentwicklung (Postgeneration)
der fehlenden Kperhlfte. Virchows Arch. Pathol. Anat. Physiol., 114:
113-153; 289-291. Help me please with this problem... |